Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Second Time Around...

My letter arrived from Peace Corps today, announcing that I have been invited to spend the next 27 months in the Ukraine.
PROGRAM: I will be teaching English as a foreign language to students 10-17 yrs. old.
DATES: I leave September 25, 2009. My close of service (COS) date is 12-08-2011.

I'm nervous for the new challenges that will face me in this unfamiliar environment, yet I'm optimistic and excited for this new adventure.


Click on the picture to read facts about the Ukraine!

More to follow...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Leavin' Once Again

Today my Peace Corps placement officer called to congratulate me. I have been invited to serve in Eastern Europe to once again teach English as a second language. :-) The possible countries include: Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania & the Ukraine. I am SUPER excited and can't wait to find out which country will be my home for the next 27 months! PC does not tell us the name of the country over the phone for security reasons. But a letter was sent to me today via FedEx and I should receive it on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I leave for this new assignment at the end of September. I shall all let you know the details as soon as I know them myself. Words cannot express how relieved & ecstatic I am about this new journey. I can hardly wait to begin!

More to follow...