Dear Family and Friends,
Happy Holidays! I hope that the season finds you happy and healthy.
I have officially been a Peace Corps Volunteer for one year in Ukraine. I've lived at my site for 12 months now. And I've been in Ukraine for a total of 15 months. With just 11 more to go. It's hard to believe how fast time flies.
What have I learned in 2010?
1.) I can now speak Russian well enough that the Ukrainians are complimenting me on no longer completely butchering their language.
2.) I can cook soup and borscht without thinking about it.
3.) There really are 100 ways to prepare potatoes.
4.) I've come to appreciate Soviet merchandise, furniture and equipment. So what if the hot water tank might explode your entire apartment if you light it incorrectly? Don't light it incorrectly. Problem solved.
5.) I have a greater understanding of the Soviet Union and its impact on Eastern Europe.
6.) I can successfully sleep on 16 hour train rides. And I no longer feel that 16 hours on a train is long.
7.) That when drinking tea, you must have chocolate. And a day without tea is a crime.
8.) I know who Lenin is.
9.) That squat toilets are really not THAT terrible.
10.) There is no such thing as too much garlic. It cures all ailments. As does tea with lemon.
11.) Teaching is about educating students about the joys of thinking, not telling them what to think. My students are amazing and a wonderful gift in my life.
12.) Diplomacy.
The last item I have learned while serving as president of the Volunteer Advisory Council. It has been a challenge, but I've enjoyed my role on VAC. I've learned a great deal about Peace Corps and the way the US Government conducts international relations. This practice on VAC has led me to want to work for the State Department when I return to America next December. I will begin applying for jobs in June. I'm hoping that someday I work in Communications for the State Department through the Foreign Service. Time will tell...
For now, I'm preparing for another Christmas away from home. This year many Volunteers will be joining Pat and I in Stakhanov to celebrate. We had Thanksgiving here last month, and it was such a hit, that people have requested to return for Christmas. I still do not have a tree, but I'm hoping that next week that will change.
2010 has been a challenging year. But, upon reflection, I would say it has been my happiest year of the decade. I'm doing exactly what I've always wanted to do. Serving my country as a Peace Corps Volunteer abroad. God has truly blessed me with opportunities, friends and a loving family. I could not ask for anything more.
May this Christmas find you with loved ones and in good spirits. And may 2011 be full of laughter and love. And find our world in peace. God bless!
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