Thursday, May 7, 2009


Old blog written September 3, 2007. And still applies to the present day me! :-)

I love my friends & family, gay, straight, budhist, jewish, atheist, agnostic, black, white, red, purple. It so does not matter. And it saddens me that people judge others based upon such superficial criteria. If one must "judge" someone, do so based upon their actions and what lies in their heart, not based upon somethings so small as race, religion, gender or creed.

I was raised by two, very different people. My mother is the tolerant and loving kind; my father the, um, other kind. I pity my father for his small thinking. He hates people based upon their race, religion and sexual orientation. I have friends of different cultures, churches and orientations. Because it shouldn't matter. My dearest friend Amanda commented last summer that I am the least judgmental person she knows. I was flattered but I cannot let her nor others believe such a foolish thought.

I am extremely judgmental of the fake Christians. The mean hearted, hypocritical kind that hate and judge in the name of God. AAAHHHH!!!!!!!! That makes me so mad! The God I serve, which last time I checked was the same God all over the world, does not hate. Do the fake people really think what they say works? It hurts them more then anyone else.  Don't you dare quote the OLD Testament to me, hypocrite. I know it better then you do. First of all, we are CHRISTians, we practice the New Testament. You know, the one that Jesus shows up in. Learn your religion! Second of all, "Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself." So anytime the so-called Christians spout evil and mean things to their neighbors I think that they must really hate themselves. Thirdly, "Do Not Judge Lest Thee Be Judged". We are not God, we have no right to tell someone they are going to hell. If a person says you are going to hell for being gay, that must mean they are going to hell for committing the sin of judging another. ......................

No, of course they are not going to hell. God loves us all. If you believe in God and know that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us from our ridiculous sins so that we may one day join Him in Heaven, then you are a true Christian. Forget everything else. All the lies and tales you are told by so called experts and religious affiliates. Believe in Jesus and thou shalt be saved. It is that simple. Welcome to my religion. No hatred allowed. Tolerance is the best policy. Where all we believe is that Jesus is our Savior and we try to encourage others to see the world this way. Encourage through our loving actions, not through empty words and threats. Come on, guys, listen to John Lennon and just give peace a chance.

"We don't want your kind at our prom" -Jack
"And what kind is that, the good Christian kind?" -Barbara
"This is not about religion... At least not the kind that hates people. The intolerant, judgmental, hypocritical kind. Close minded, immature, bigoted kind." -Jack
"With bad fashion sense" -Andy
"Really bad." -Jack
"At least I'm not going to hell." -Barbara
"That's it? That's your whole comeback?" -Jack

My religion does not tolerate the Barbara's of the world. I simply choose to love and respect everyone. And I hope that through my actions that others will see the beauty of peace. And I truly believe that one person's actions can create a domino effect. So I hope that my actions will always reflect God's unending love & mercy, so perhaps others will follow suit. One can only hope, right? :-) God bless & Peace be with you!

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