Hello. About me, hm? Well, I love to write. That is what I do. I write and people pay me to let them read my work. :-) At least, in theory. I’ve never been paid for anything I’ve written. I hope that one day that changes, otherwise I’ll have to get used to a different life style. :-)
I served as a US Peace Corps Volunteer for 4 months in the Philippines–teaching English to high school students. I had a blast & was very disheartened that my health forced my service to end earlier then I had planned. I’m currently readjusting to life in America while Peace Corps finds me a new country to serve.
Life has definitely thrown me curve balls. But that’s okay! Life without surprises wouldn’t be much of a life at all. I enjoy the unexpected and look forward to my next journey. This blog was originally intended as a place to share my adventures with family & friends. It is still that, but has also evolved to the dumping ground for all of my random thoughts.
Enjoy the stories of my life. :-) And please leave a comment if you feel so inclined. Have a good day
My prose & poetry may be found at: jdsalmostpoetic.wordpress.com
For more info, visit my facebook page.
Peace Be With You, My Friend!
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