Thursday, May 7, 2009

What I Know of Falling in Love

I wrote this note October 11, 2007. It's one of my favorites & I thought I'd add it to this blog. Enjoy!

There is this moment when I’m writing that a sense of clarity overtakes me. No matter how frustrated I am with a sentence or annoyed with a character, the serenity gracefully shrouds me the way a blanket covers against the chill. The same peaceful attitude occurs when I hear a writer read their work, so enthralled in the words and movement of sound that I cannot help become so engrossed in the words that I lose all sense of time. At this point, all I see is the author standing proud reading each sweet word perfectly and I hear each syllable with the wide-eyed excitement of a child in a toy store. And when this joy and peace overtakes me I know that it has happened, again. I have succumbed to the life altering moment that shatters all my defenses and brings such joy and excitement that I know without a doubt that I fell in love. I fall hard and fast in love with words. For a time, the author is like a god that is to be admired and exalted for his command of language. Yet, eventually the glow I feel for the author transfers to the words he spoke; to each lovely phrase that hangs in the air and descends upon my heart. This is what I know of being in love.

1 comment:

  1. wordpress connected this post to mine as an automatically generated possibly related post. I just read yours and you write beautifully. It's that excitement of a child that linked our posts.
