I've met many people here and there who have asked me questions about joining Peace Corps. Now, if you're series, you've already visited www.peacecorps.gov. Right? ;-) On their web site you have all the basic questions and the mundane FAQ kind of answered for you. Uh yeah... Thanks. But what about talking to someone who has been through the process of applying and being shipped off to a third world country?! Do you really want to talk about EVERYTHING worrying you about joining Peace Corps but you're too freaked out to ask the big heads in Washington DC? Trust me, returned PCV's so understand. Which is why this blog is open to everyone. I've been through the grueling process of applying for Peace Corps (which took me 16 months), the 3 months of waiting around before I left and then another 3 months of training once I got into country and realized what I'd signed up for. PC was the best experience of my life, but I had 0 clue as to what I was doing and really wished I'd had someone to talk to. So, ta da! Congratulations! You stumbled across the right blog. Please feel free to drop me a message, ask a question or leave a comment. I'm more then happy to talk about ANYTHING you want to know about Peace Corps, even if you're just sort of curious. I'm an open book! Consider me your Yoda for this new experience (if you have to). ;-)
Oh, and yes PC, I know the rules. Ehm... "Peace Corps does in no way associate itself with the above statement or ANY of the information found of this website." For direct information from the head honchos themselves visit: www.peacecorps.gov [caption id="attachment_78" align="alignleft" width="130" caption="Peace Corps"]
Okay wow, so first off you've been a PCV, so automatically, I love you haha. I'm 18, about to graduate and I know that I want to join. This has been the only constant throughout the changes I've made in the present and also for the future. I want to get my BS first so I'm able to do some medical things....and I was wondering about the application process. Does it normally really take That long!? when is the best time for me to apply? i mean should i apply at the beginning of my senior year in college? what was the biggest challenge for you? where did you go? did you get to learn a language? what were some unforseen challenges? hygiene? haha sorry im just interested in your story. :]